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Showing posts from September, 2017

2 Month Update

So every month I aim to give you guys an update with how me and baby are getting on. A month goes by so quickly, but there are small changes that are happening all the time. I could probably write a book if I was to document each one but I'll keep it nice and compact! I suppose I have leap frogged a little as I haven't yet shared my birth story, but I'll save that for another day (to be honest it was such an out of body experience that I'm going to have to take notes form my birthing partners before I write it!). Anyway here it is, my second month being mummy to my beautiful flower... I think hearing the words 'your daughter' are beginning to settle in. In my first month people would say those words and I literally had a delayed response every time they were motioned, because the felling of having my baby girl finally here with us was so surreal. We've actually had quite an active few weeks, my boyfriend's been working away, but my family were...

I've been nominated for the Liebster award

So this is something new to me, but I was grateful to the lovely Shannon over at for nominating me for the Liebster award. So for those of you who don't know here's what it is: Each nominated blogger answers 11 questions set up by their nominator, before creating 11 different questions for their own nominees...a great way to discover and welcome new bloggers into the exciting world of blogging! I had fun answering these so I hope you enjoy! 1.If you could be an animal what animal would you be? I would be a dolphin, so I could spend my days jumping in and out of the beautiful blue oceans. I see them as a symbol of peace and tranquillity. 2.What is your favourite thing about blogging? I enjoy writing in itself I find it very therapeutic especially now most of my time is filled looking after my baby girl-I write when she's asleep for some me time! I have also met some amazing people through blogging. It's such a great way to find like-minde...

YES, I was a young Mum and NO, you cannot judge me

YES, I was a young mum and NO, you cannot judge me… I was so grateful when the beautiful, Maya over @allthingspink21 reached out to me about doing a guest post regarding labels and stereotypes, which are associated with young mums. This is a topic so close to my heart because I became a mum at 19, and have experienced this far too often. My name is Jen, I am 28 and I have a daughter called Kourtney who turns 9 next month. Over the years I have experienced judgement, and different people have stereotyped me in different ways. I got pregnant at 18 and straight away, I was subjected to sneering remarks and outrageous comments, despite the fact that I continued with my A levels and was in part-time employment.   Unfortunately, even my own mother thought I was about to ruin my life, and that having a child so young would be a hindrance. I cannot tell you how much this broke me at the time, to know that my own mother lacked faith in me and put a label on my future. ...